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Analyzed about 19 hours ago. based on code collected about 23 hours ago.
Apr 24, 2023 — Apr 24, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
- cli - add cli-option `--mode-report` (#360) More... over 2 years ago
- bugfix - fix issue #358 - switch statement crashes jslint (#359) More... over 2 years ago
Merge pull request #355 from kaizhu256/v2021.9.20 More... over 2 years ago
# v2021.9.20 - jslint - add bigint support. - vim - add vim-plugin and file jslint.vim. - doc - auto-generate toc for README.md - jslint - rename little-used directive `debug` to `trace` to avoid confusion with non-related directive `devel`. More... over 2 years ago
- ci - add file .ci.sh More... over 2 years ago
- chore - rename files asset-image-jslint-xxx.png to asset-image-logo-xxx.png - ci - update shell-function shRawLibFetch to allow custom header/footer for each file - coverage - allow coverage to skip files with macro `/*mode-coverage-ignore-file*/` - doc - auto-generate toc for README.md - jslint - inline rx_json_number More... over 2 years ago
- jslint - rename little-used directive `debug` to `trace` to avoid confusion with non-related directive `devel`. (#354) More... over 2 years ago
- vim - add vim plugin. (#349) More... over 2 years ago
- jslint - add bigint support. (#351) More... over 2 years ago
Merge pull request #350 from kaizhu256/v2021.8.20 More... over 2 years ago
# v2021.8.20 - warning - disable un-ergonomic warnings restricting directive-global (missing_browser and unexpected_directive_a). - fs - rename file ci.sh to jslint_ci.sh. - license - add codemirror license to rollup-assets. - website - display number of warnings, properties, functions in report. - website - fix uiLoader getting hidden behind highlighted text. More... over 2 years ago
- warning - disable un-ergonomic warnings restricting directive-global (missing_browser and unexpected_directive_a). (#347) More... over 2 years ago
- fs - rename file ci.sh to jslint_ci.sh. - license - add codemirror license to rollup-assets. More... over 2 years ago
- ui - disable focus after linting. More... over 2 years ago
Lint report "notifications" (#344) More... over 2 years ago
Editor focus on clear source (#343) More... over 2 years ago
- website - fix uiLoader getting hidden behind highlighted text. More... over 2 years ago
Merge pull request #342 from kaizhu256/v2021.7.24 More... almost 3 years ago
# v2021.7.24 - bugfix - fix jslint not warning about function-redefinition when function is defined inside a call. - bugfix - fix website crashing when linting pure json-object. - ci - fix race-condition when inlining css. - doc - update README.md with links to archived web-demos. - jslint - add new beta-warning against redefining global-variables. - jslint - add new beta-warning if functions are unordered. - jslint - add new warning disallowing string-literal as property-name, e.g. {`aa`:0}. - jslint - comment out shebang in jslint.mjs so older ios devices can use website. - jslint - deprecate directive `/*jslint eval*/` - use `//jslint-quiet` instead. - jslint-revamp - rearrange functions in jslint.mjs to comply with ordered-functions beta-warning. - jslint-revamp - revamp cause-based testing with more robust instrumentation. - tests - test artifact and column-position in warnings are correct. More... almost 3 years ago
- seo - add skip-link and revamp dl-tag to improve accessibility. More... almost 3 years ago
- jslint - add new beta-warning against redefining global-variables. (#338) More... almost 3 years ago
- editor - update keys tab/shift-tab to indent/dedent highlighted code. (#340) More... almost 3 years ago
- ci - fix race-condition when inlining css. - doc - update README.md with links to archived web-demos. - jslint - deprecate directive `/*jslint eval*/` - use `//jslint-quiet` instead. - website - show loader while waiting for es-module to load. More... almost 3 years ago
Added links to homepage (#337) More... almost 3 years ago
Merge pull request #336 from kaizhu256/check_ordered_function More... almost 3 years ago
- ci - allow manually triggering ci. More... almost 3 years ago
- jslint-revamp - rearrange functions in jslint.mjs to comply with ordered-functions beta-warning. More... almost 3 years ago
- jslint - add new beta-warning if functions are unordered. More... almost 3 years ago
- jslint - add new warning disallowing string-literal as property-name, e.g. {`aa`:0}. More... almost 3 years ago
Merge pull request #334 from kaizhu256/test_cause More... almost 3 years ago