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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 10 hours ago. based on code collected about 19 hours ago.
Apr 17, 2023 — Apr 17, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
- ci - update shell-function shJsonNormalize to accept indent-spaceing as 2nd argument More... over 2 years ago
- globals - allow globals `indexedDb`, `structuredClone` More... over 2 years ago
- coverage - add cli-options `--exclude=aa,bb`, `--exclude-node-modules=false`, `--include=aa,bb` (#371) More... over 2 years ago
- npm - add file .npmignore - test - move function fsRmRecursive from jslint.mjs to test.mjs More... over 2 years ago
- processArgv More... over 2 years ago
- jslint - add top-level-await support (#370) More... over 2 years ago
- coverage - dedupe coverage-logic now applied when only one script passed More... over 2 years ago
- coverage - add coverage test More... over 2 years ago
website - add clickable-links to editor-code in report-warnings and report-functions (#368) More... over 2 years ago
- ci - deprecate/remove jslint.cjs from ci More... over 2 years ago
Merge pull request #365 from kaizhu256/v2021.10.20 More... over 2 years ago
# v2021.10.20 - ci - add release-trigger to publish to `@jslint-org/jslint` - bugfix - fix coverage-report having incorrect http-link to index.html - bugfix - fix false warning `uninitialized bb` in code `/*jslint node*/\nlet {aa:bb} = {}; bb();` - bugfix - fix issue #358 - switch-statement crashes jslint - ci - cache coverage-example node-sqlite3 to speed up ci - ci - rename dir .build/ to .artifact/ - ci - update shell-function shRunWithCoverage() to reduce size of string/argument passed to nodejs by using 2-space-indent - cli - add cli-command jslint_plugin_vim - cli - add cli-command v8_coverage_report - cli - change cli-option `--mode-report` to cli-command `jslint_report=<filename>` - coverage - relax requirement for coverageDir to be in cwd - deprecated - cli - add cli-option `--mode-report` - doc - add api-documentation - fs - merge file asset_codemirror_rollup.css into index.html - fs - merge file browser.mjs into index.html - fs - merge file function.html into help.html - fs - remove little-used font asset_font_programma_bold.woff2 - fs - rename files with dashes to files with underscore - jslint - disable linting of embedded javascript in markdown-files - jslint - relax regexp-warning against using space - npm - add file package.json and command `npm test` - style - change naming-convention for non-jslint-core code from underscore to camelCase - test - add mocha-like test-functions jstestDescribe, jstestIt More... over 2 years ago
- ci - add release-trigger to publish to `@jslint-org/jslint` - style - revert some camelcase arguments back to underscore in function jslint_cli More... over 2 years ago
- ci - update shell-function shRunWithCoverage() to reduce size of string/argument passed to nodejs by using 2-space-indent - coverage - relax requirement for coverageDir to be in cwd More... over 2 years ago
- cosmetic - add link to jslint coverage-report footer More... over 2 years ago
- bugfix - fix coverage-report having incorrect http-link to index.html - ci - auto-update package-description in README.md from package.json - ci - cache coverage-example node-sqlite3 to speed up ci - ci - limit fail-on-file-modified to branch-alpha More... over 2 years ago
- cli - add cli-command v8_coverage_report (#364) More... over 2 years ago
- style - change naming-convention for non-jslint-core code from underscore to camelCase More... over 2 years ago
- code-cleanup - slightly relax for-in-bad-assignment-warning: - the_variable.init = true; - if (the_variable.readonly) { + if (the_variable.init && the_variable.readonly) { More... over 2 years ago
- cli - add cli-command `jslint_plugin_vim` More... over 2 years ago
- cli - change cli-option `--mode-report` to cli-command `jslint_report=<filename>` (#363) More... over 2 years ago
- ci - auto-update /apidoc.html in branch-gh-pages from branch-beta More... over 2 years ago
Merge pull request #362 from kaizhu256/apidoc More... over 2 years ago
- apidoc - fix missing examples More... over 2 years ago
- regexp - replace `\\u0020` with `<space>` in regexp to improve readability More... over 2 years ago
- doc - add api-documentation - jslint - relax regexp-warning against using space More... over 2 years ago
- ci - rename dir .build/ to .artifact/ More... over 2 years ago
- fs - merge file asset_codemirror_rollup.css into index.html - fs - merge file function.html into help.html - fs - remove little-used font asset_font_programma_bold.woff2 More... over 2 years ago
- fs - rename files with dashes to files with underscore - coverage More... over 2 years ago
- fs - rename files with dashes to files with underscore More... over 2 years ago