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Posted over 15 years ago
I'm happy to announce a little late Christmas gift to all of you. The Joom!Fish 2.0 stable is released to all Club Members just a few seconds ago. Please go to the Club Download section for the package download.The public release will be on the 31st ... [More] of December 2008!Before anybody complains.It is one of the benefits within our Club that members do get the releases in a package version upfront. However the official version is already available, tagged and possible for you to download using the SVN on joomlacode.org. If you preferred using a archive either you exported it there and pack it yourself - or you just wait 4 more days.The whole team likes to thank everybody that helped in archiving this effort. Special thanks goes to all the translators for the back-end translations, to Harri (aka tassu) and Carolien (aka caro84g) for their moderation in our forums and of course all our Joom!Fish Club members that helped us to focus on this really nice project.As I'm going to post an other blog soon - enjoy your weekend and have fun fishing.Alex [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago
First of all, we are getting a lot of support requests. At the moment of writing this blog post we have the total of 12,583 posts in 2,603 topics by 5,422 members. Well, believe me or not, but that's a lot of support. And we (the Joom!Fish team) are regularly blamed of "non-providing" support. Maybe. I was not sure about.
Posted over 15 years ago
I'm pretty sure most of you relaize that we change slidely our site. There are several results we decided on during our summit. One of it is the fact that we like to make our site more easy to understand and focus on the values of the project and ... [More] e.g. not on advertising for other sites. This is a reason why we e.g. removed the advertising on some pages. We are still getting a lot of mails from people asking if they can promote their products and services on our site. I'm very undecided about this as I think our users, customers and all other readers deserve a clear and simple site. On the other side there are some people that really have some interesting services and products and if they like to advertise on the site it would may be add a value for all of you. As I said, I'm very undecided and so far I have not found a solution for it. Please keep on posting me on news of your products, may be we can find a good solution in future. [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago
You might have seen the picture in my previous blog entry. It was Geraint, Alex and me in a hotel nearby Munich in the last weekend. Unfortunately Robin was not able to come, so it was just three of us there. For me this was the first time to meet ... [More] with the rest of the guys and it was quite exciting. In my blog entry, I am not going to reveal all we talk about of course, as you may become pretty demanding afterwards. [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago
Alexred from Italy, just posted a nice video from the Joomla! Day in Switzerland. You can see it in YouTube - http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=M15hurmvnhI
Posted over 15 years ago
What are these people doing there in fact? Post your suggestions in our forum.
Posted over 15 years ago
I will try to summarize the installation issues and solutions in this document.
Posted over 15 years ago
Hi folks, I am just back home, in Sofia and had a little more time to write. I know some of you were waiting for it. What happened in Switzerland? First of all, I would like to thanks to Pete Coutts, Christiane Viatte, Raphael Steinhoefel and the ... [More] rest of the people involved, for the excellent work and hospitality. Guys, you were just great. During the Jomladay in Lucern, there were very interesting presentations and talks and I am a bit sad that it was impossible to attend them all. [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago
More info to come soon, for now:  
Posted over 15 years ago
Hi friends, a short note from Switzelrland. We were hanging around today with Pete Coutts from Joomla! Swiss, Wilco Jansen, Leo from Joomla! Austria and Yanick from sh404SEF. We had some nice talks and sharing some ideas. Stay tuned for more info from the Joomladay in Switzerland.