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Analyzed about 15 hours ago. based on code collected 4 days ago.
May 30, 2023 — May 30, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
github doesn't like … More... almost 14 years ago
First crack at a readme More... almost 14 years ago
switched repos, deployed plugin snapshot to snapshots, posted those to the google code maven repo More... almost 14 years ago
Fixed some spacing bugs More... almost 14 years ago
Large commit - did all of the running by stripping out Rhino/Env.js and replacing it with HtmlUnit. Wrote a results aggregator that scraped the results page (after simulating a click on the "show passed" checkbox), then a console formatter that formats the results. More... almost 14 years ago
Added a spec that actually depends on the JS source (HelloWorldSpec depends on HelloWorld object) More... almost 14 years ago
Added support for the ${skipTests} property, so jasmine:test execution will be immediately aborted if `mvn <goal> -DskipTests` is run. Also Renamed JasmineMojo to TestMojo to follow convention of the other Mojos here (they're each named according to their goal, which matches wieth their presumed lifecycle phase). More... almost 14 years ago
Mojos now copy entire directory structure to support nested directories. Script tags will generate deeply. Added jquery to a vendor folder in the sample project to demonstrate. More... almost 14 years ago
Not sure how this got here. Must have been some broken file code. More... almost 14 years ago
Plugin now generates <script> tags for the javascript sources and the specs into the generated SpecRunner.html. This means that after a `mvn test`, the SpecRunner.html can be opened in a browser and executed. Next step is for the jasmine:test goal to actually execute the tests on Rhino. More... almost 14 years ago
Removed commons-io in favor of plexus' FileUtils More... almost 14 years ago
Added mojo for preparing the package with a configurable subdirectory to stick all the production JS in (defaults to 'js'). Plainly, at prepare-package, the production javascript will be copied to something like `target/name-version.war/js` More... almost 14 years ago
Implemented process-resources and process-test-resources mojos to get the src/main/javascript and src/test/javascript contents into target prior to generating the Runner. [Interesting observation: if a plugin shares a number of mojos, it seems to make sense to have an abstract parent that holds all the (configurable) properties to avoid duplication of properties used by multiple mojos.] More... almost 14 years ago
Wrote some simple code to generate a spec runner.html by looking for all the CSS & JS deps in the plugin project. Need to figure out rhino/env.js, where to put it in target/, load the subscriber project's specs & sources More... almost 14 years ago
poc'd reading in the JS files More... almost 14 years ago
Initial commit. Doesn't do anything yet, but have (1) mojo project, (2) sample project in src/test/resources, and (3) custom maven repo setup at http://searls-maven-repository.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/repository/ where the Jasmine files are being hosted (so the plugin can download them, construct a runner HTML file dynamically, and execute the subscriber's specs at test-time) More... almost 14 years ago