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Posted about 18 years ago by nagual< at >imagemagick.org
ImageMagick Studio LLC announces the release of ImageMagick 6.2.6. ImageMagick®, version 6.2.6, is a free software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a large variety of formats. Images can be ... [More] cropped, colors can be changed, various effects can be applied, images can be rotated and combined, and text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves can be added to images and stretched and rotated. ImageMagick is free software: it is delivered with full source code and can be freely used, copied, modified and distributed. Its license is compatible with the GPL. It runs on all major operating systems. Most of the functionality of ImageMagick can be used interactively from the command line; more often, however, the features are used from programs written in the programming languages C, Ch, C , Java, Lisp, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Tcl/Tk, for which ready-made ImageMagick interfaces (MagickCore, MagickWand, PerlMagick, Magick , PythonMagick, MagickWand for PHP, RMagick, TclMagick, L_Magick, and JMagick) are available. This makes it possible to modify or create images automatically and dynamically. ImageMagick supports many image formats (over 90) including formats like GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PNG, PDF, PhotoCD, TIFF, and DPX. Here are just a few examples of what ImageMagick can do: * Convert an image from one format to another (e.g. PNG to JPEG) * Resize, rotate, sharpen, color reduce, or add special effects to an image * Create a montage of image thumbnails * Create a transparent image suitable for use on the Web * Turn a group of images into a GIF animation sequence * Create a composite image by combining several separate image * Draw shapes or text on an image * Decorate an image with a border or frame * Describe the format and characteristics of an image Examples of ImageMagick Usage: http://www.cit.gu.edu.au/~anthony/graphics/imagick6 shows how to use ImageMagick to accomplish any of these tasks and much more or see the ImageMagick home page at http://www.imagemagick.org ImageMagick Studio recommends upgrading due to this important security fix: * Prevent shell command injection in delegate code (via file names), See http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=345238. Significant changes since the last official ImageMagick release, include: 2006-03-30 6.2.6-7 Anthony Thyssen griff...> * Added the 'Dispose' layers function to return the 'GIF dispose' images of an animation. 2006-03-30 6.2.6-7 Cristy image...> * File is already closed, do not call fclose() on it in magick/blob.c. * PS3/EPS3 now writes a proper image mask when compression is None. * Patch to properly read interlaced GIF's. * DestroyMagick() is not always reliably available when atexit() unwinds. 2006-03-26 6.2.6-6 Cristy image...> * Specify '-depth 32 -define quantum:format=floating-point' to read/write single precision floating point TIFF and raw formats. * Specify '-depth 64 -define quantum:format=floating-point' to read/write double precision floating point TIFF and raw formats. * If you overlaying an image with a negative offset, the image is no longer wrapped around the left and right edges of the canvas. 2006-03-20 6.2.6-5 Cristy image...> * Fix Group4-compression in the PDF writer. 2006-03-06 6.2.6-4 Cristy image...> * Read image filenames that start with a dash (e.g. display -- -logo.png). * Do not set the image opacity when reading a PSD colormap index (reference http://redux.imagemagick.org/discussion-server/viewtopic.php?p=18026). * By default, ImageMagick sets the page size to the MediaBox. Some PDF files, however, have a CropBox that is smaller than the MediaBox and may include white space, registration or cutting marks outside the CropBox. To force ImageMagick to use the CropBox rather than the MediaBox, use -define (e.g. -define pdf:use-cropbox=true). * RGB to CMYK color conversion is now scaled properly. 2006-03-01 6.2.6-3 Cristy image...> * The command line utilities properly returns a non-zero status when an exception is thrown. 2006-02-20 6.2.6-2 Cristy image...> * Fix a memory leak in each of CompositeImageCommand() and CompositeImage() (bug report by gscott...< at >gmail...). * Add new options -layers compare-any, -layers compare-clear, -layers compare-overlay, and -layers optimize. 2006-02-16 6.2.6-2 Marko Mahnič * Draw last dash in a dashed polyline. 2006-02-15 6.2.6-2 Cristy image...> * See http://www.cit.gu.edu.au/~anthony/graphics/imagick6/basics/#notes -geometry implementation notes. 2006-02-13 6.2.6-2 Cristy image...> * Add %D to -format to return the image disposal method. * ncorrect handling of file:// URIs causes data loss (patch from Daniel Kobras). * Set default BMP resolution units to PixelsPerCentimeter (problem report from digipete< at >shaw...). 2006-02-07 Cristy image...> * The "-geometry" setting should cause -composite operation, to resize just the overlayed image. It should not do anything at the point it is given. 2006-02-04 Chris Madison hotma...> * Patch IsMagickOption() to only report MagickTrue if the option is a valid ImageMagick command line option. * Fixed a race condition in the semaphore implementation (fix suggested by Федор Романенко). 2006-02-01 Anthony Thyssen griff...> * Add layer.c source module to distribution. * Add -layers optimize command line option to optimize image layers. 2006-01-24 Anthony Thyssen griff...> * Correctly implement Restore To Previous GIF disposal method for CoalesceImages(). 2006-01-20 Cristy image...> * Bounding box was not always recognized in small EPS files. * Enable Zip compresion in Windows TIFF distribution. * Make sure pict images are composited in the RGB colorspace. * Don't destroy profiles in PerlMagick when returned by GetImageProfile (bug report by Kevin Rosenberg). 2006-01-14 Cristy image...> * Deprecate TranslateText() and replace with InterpretImageAttributes(). * InterpretImageFilename() interprets embedded characters in an image filename (initial patch from Daniel Kobras). * Add AcquireUniqueSymbolicLink() to help prevent shell injection for the any command line delegates (initial patch from Daniel Kobras). * Some PSD CMYK images were not read properly. 2006-01-13 Cristy image...> * Conform to W3C CSS3 Color Module recommendation for specifying colors. We now include hsl() and hsla() (e.g. hsl(120, 50%, 50%) for pastel green). * Added CompositeImageChannel() but there is still work to be done. It currently behaves just like CompositeImage(). 2006-01-06 Cristy image...> * Annotate relative to the image page geometry. * Add the -contrast-stretch option. Its like -normalize but it accepts an arguments for the black and white points. 2005-12-30 Cristy image...> * Prevent shell command injection in delegate code (via file names), See http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=345238. * Identify GIF transparent color in 'identify -verbose' output. * Use -resize for resizing an image, -geometry no longer works for resizing. * Added VignetteImage() and corresponding -vignette option (e.g. -vignette 0x20 20 20). 2005-12-28 Chris Madison hotma...> * The FITS coder failed to read a 16-bit FITS image (bug report by Volker Kuhlmann). 2005-12-16 Maria Gullickson afdso...> * Patch memory leak in GenerateEXIFAttribute(). 2005-12-16 Cristy image...> * Don't use existing opaque color as a transparent color index when writing GIF images. * The compare program now reports an exception when the dimensions of the image and its reference differ. * Fix so -shave 1% returns expected results (bug report by Jon Hitchcock). * Convert YCC colorspace to RGB when using the -modulate option (bug report by Andreas Tille). * Permit a range of images to delete with the -delete option (suggested by Anthony). * Move *ImageCommand() calls from MagickCore to MagickWand. 2005-12-01 Cristy image...> * Correctly implement Restore To Previous GIF disposal method for CoalesceImages() (bug report by Anthony). * Extend exceptions to track any/all exceptions thrown. Previously only the most severe exception was tracked. 2005-11-12 Cristy image...> * SetImageType(): monochrome images are not required to be colormapped. * Initialize blob->mapped to MagickFalse in AttachBlob() (bug report from O. Watson). * Use painters algorithm for the -draw point primitive (suggested by Anthony). * NormalizeImage() now normalizes the opacity channel correctly (bug report * QueryFontMetrics() now accounts for the font stroke width. 2005-11-08 Cristy image...> * The index channel is no longer flipped in SeparateImageChannel() (bug report from Pierre Arnaud). 2005-11-07 Glenn Randers-Pehrson glenn...> * coders/png.c: Add vpAg chunk to support virtual page width/height. 2005-11-02 Cristy image...> * Enhance DrawAffineImage() to include color interpolation. 2005-10-31 Cristy image...> * Add new -identify option to identify an image. 2005-10-30 Cristy image...> * When writing JPEG images, make the errors recoverable. 2005-10-27 Cristy image...> * Permit the repage option to accept geometry shortcuts (e.g. 3 3). * `convert rose: -verbose rose.gif` no longer reports information about the input image, only the output image (bug report from Anthony). 2005-10-23 Cristy image...> * The display program now shows the actual filename in the display window rather than the temporary filename (e.g. image.miff.gz rather than /var/tmp/magick-XXa18945). * display -remote -quit will cause the remote display program to exit (suggested by Anthony). * Patched the display program to properly compute the scanline pad for X11 visuals 16-bits deep. 2005-10-22 Cristy image...> * ImageMagick no longer reports "too many open files" when montaging thousands of images. 2005-10-17 Cristy image...> * Fix a few problems so ImageMagick will compile with the g compiler. * Patch so ImageMagick will properly convert -fill 'cmyk(0,0,0,255)' to RGB. * ThumbnailImage() no longer faults when resources are exhausted. 2005-10-15 Cristy image...> * By default we compute optimal Huffman coding tables for JPEG images. Use -define jpeg:optimize-coding=false to use the default Huffman tables. * Unable to add an image, at index 0, to a MagickWand that already contains images (bug report fromm O. Watson). 2005-10-14 Cristy image...> * IsMagickColorSimiliar() properly distinguishes the green and blue color components (bug report from Justin T.). * Setting MagickWand's width to less than the width of the rendered text causes the "CAPTION:" pseudo-format to seg-fault when read (bug report from O. Watson). 2005-10-12 Chris Madison hotma...> * Permit embedded \n characters for the caption coder. 2005-09-30 Cristy image...> * Add support for the PAM image format. * Adjust image canvas size for ShadowImage() (problem report from Anthony). 2005-09-16 Cristy image...> * Add AddNoiseImageChannel() method. * RotateImage() no longer affected by the composite operator. * Add a control handler to intercept ctrl-c signal under Windows. * Fixed a boundary condition error in DrawAffineImage() (bug report by Gabe Schaffer). 2005-09-14 Cristy image...> * FlattenImage() no longer faults when you give it an image that is not at the beginning of the image list. * Leave image index at its current location after a MagickReadImage(). Previously the image index was set to the beginning of the image list. 2005-09-12 Chris Madison hotma...> * Option -scenes 0-1 no longer generates an exception. * Ensure IsMagickInstantiated() return MagickTrue after InitializeMagick() is called. 2005-09-11 Cristy image...> * Enhance -delay to respect the > & < meta -characters. * Correct for motion blur angle once again (problem report from Anthony). * 16-bit grayscale images no longer cause a memory fault when saved to the PCX format. * Fixed small ICC color profile memory leak. 2005-09-06 Cristy image...> * Fixed small memory leak in the RegisterTTFImage() module (patch provided by jon< at >websuper...). * Extend -delay to accept ticks-per-second (e.g. -delay 10x100 is 10 one hundredths of a second). The default is hundredths of a second. * Clone the virtual pixel method when cloning the image cache (thanks to Anthony for discovering this bug). * 'montage rose: -geometry 0 rose.gif' no longer seg faults (bug report by Anthony). * Compute correct image statistics for grayscale images. * Given -crop WxH X Y! the image page width and height is set to WxH and the image offset has the crop offset subtracted, so the image is relative to the new crop/page/canvas area. 2005-09-03 Cristy image...> * Eliminate additional pedantic compiler warnings. * Bump SONAME version due to binary compatibility break. * The caption coder converts carriage-returns to plain spaces. * Cropping a 'paged' image with a negative offset is now working correctly. * Persist the gravity setting on the convert command line. * The info: format respects the -verbose option. * Added new -format embedded formatting characters, %P canvas/page size and %O image offset on canvas/pag. * A centered crop with a precentage noew positions the image correctly on the page. * New Transparent virtual pixel methods. * Fixed display to properly skip images with 3 or 3, for example. * Fixed display to go to the proceeding image when its the last image in the sequence and is pressed. * Fixed ConstituteImage() to properly return the opacity when a map of O is used rather than A (bug report by magickbugs< at >picta...). * Use -channel RGBA to generate transparent Postscript images. 2005-08-24 Chris Madison hotma...> * Invert 1-bit min-is-black TIFF images. * Fixed small memory leak in SVG coder. * Get rid of spurious "unable to find type-ghostscript.xml" message under Windows. * eliminated corrupt memory with 'identify -list delegate' command. * -fx 'u > .4' no longer generates a parse error. * Fixed cropping with a negative page offset. * The -radial-blur option can now be controlled with -channel option. * Reading the annotation string using the '< at >' filename prefix, now works for standard input . 2005-08-20 Cristy image...> * Add the -motion-blur option to simulate motion blur. 2005-08-17 Cristy image...> * Restore iCCP chunk when writing PNG images with a color profile. * remove halo effect caused by transparent images from special effect filters convolve, implode, swirl, and wave. 2005-08-16 Cristy image...> * Export the MaxRGB symbol in Magick.pm of PerlMagick. * Support CMYK pixels for the implode, swirl, and wave special effects. 2005-08-06 Cristy image...> * resizing a light colored image on a transparent background will now NOT produce a incorrect black halo. * The experimental -identify option has been replaced with info:. This special output format will do the same task as the 'identify' command, but will allow you to save the result into a seperate file or to standard output. This output format will understand the use of the -format setting within the convert command. * -label and -draw text will no longer deal with the special escapes chars. That is percent '%' image info formats will nolonger be expanded, or '\n' newlines (for multiple line draws) handled. * A new -extent operator. This is a ultra-fast and simple image size changer. The image data is preserved in the topleft corner of the resulting image, but no effort is made to set any form of background color, or preserve image data that falls outside the new image size. Note -crop is still the preferred operator, but this is appropriate for handling very very large, or huge numbers of images. 2005-07-26 Cristy image...> * Add the Compare() method to the ImageMagickObject. 2005-07-24 Chris Madison hotma...> * Modified the configure script to makes sure that -lcygipc only gets added if shmctl is actually found in it (Debian bug report and patch). 2005-07-20 Chris Madison hotma...> * Modified the configure script to validate the new Graphviz 2.4 GVC library. * Updated to the latest autoconf/automake scripts (suggested by Arfune). 2005-07-20 Shish shish...> * The -font option for the display program no longer causes a memory reallocation error. 2005-07-13 Chris Madison hotma...> * Fixed an obscure heap-overflow vulnerability in the AVS reader reported by Damian Put (http://www.overflow.pl/adv/imheapoverflow.txt). * Fixed race condition in semaphore implementation (fix suggested by Matt Wytock). * 16-bit FITS images are now scaled properly (bug report from Ivan aka Detro). 2005-07-04 Chris Madison hotma...> * Read image rather than ping image for -format %r. 2005-06-20 Glenn Randers-Pehrson glenn...> * coders/png.c: Fixed a problem with reading 16-bit PNG images using the Q8 quantum depth. 2005-06-18 Cristy image...> * Added methods MagickSetImageAttribute(), MagickSetOption(), and MagickGetOption(). 2005-06-14 Cristy image...> * Fixed bug recently introduced for stroke/fill drawing primitives. * Fixed bug when saving an 8BIM profile. 2005-06-13 Cristy image...> * Add stdarg.h include in magick/api.h to satisfy RMagick configure script. 2005-06-05 Cristy image...> * Image rotation no longer creates a black background when the image background color is fully transparent. 2005-06-02 Cristy image...> * Added Log to Linear colorspace conversion. * Deprecated magick/api.h, use magick/ImageMagick.h instead. 2005-05-28 Cristy image...> * Embeded ImageMagick no longer checks for configuration files on disk and instead uses the built-in configuration. * GetImageTotalInkDensity() returns the total ink density for an image. 2005-05-26 Falcon rdw.r...> * Patch for support black-channel(CMYK) in MagickGetImageHistogram(). 2005-05-26 m.objects mobjec...> * Fixed ConstrainColormapIndex() bug in coders/mat.c. 2005-05-26 Kevin A. McGrail * Added code to perform dissolution of composite image during dissolve operation. 2005-05-18 Obache users...> * Permit escaping the % in a filename (e.g. hmb_50%%x50%%.jpg). 2005-05-06 Taviso sdf.li...> * Avoid infinite loop if bogus XWD rad/green/blue masks are 0; 2005-05-06 John Cupitt gmail...> * Eliminate seg-fault when pinging images not recognized by ImageMagick. 2005-05-03 Chris Madison hotma...> * Eliminate seg-fault when command line options are missing their required values (e.g. convert -fill). 2005-04-23 Chris Madison hotma...> * Fixed an obscure heap-overflow vulnerability in the PNM reader reported by Damian Put (http://www.overflow.pl/adv/imheapoverflow.txt). 2005-04-18 Volker Kuhlmann parad...> * adds a number of missing exif tags and correct the name of 2 existing ones. 2005-04-16 Rick Mabry sport...> * Fixed memory overflow computation. 2005-04-13 Anthony Thyssen griff...> * Permit a 0 x or y shear value. 2005-04-10 K Brady newba...> * Check AVI chunk size to ensure it does not exceed file length. 2005-04-10 Cristy image...> * Add support for JPEG2000 compressed PDF images. Use -compress jpeg2000. 2005-04-01 Chris Madison hotma...> * Return more accurate results for transforming from the HSB to RGB colorspaces and back. * Fixed image rotation for proper blending near transparent/opaque edges. 2005-03-30 Chris Madison hotma...> * Check return status of ReadBlob() for various coders. 2005-03-22 Cristy image...> * Added -sigmoidal-contrast option for non-linear contrast control (suggested by Anthony/Gabe). 2005-03-20 Lee Sobieski solar...> * Added ResetImageAttributeIterator() and GetNextImageAttribute() to permit iterating over all the attributes associated with an image. 2005-03-15 Chris Madison hotma...> * Change sampling_factor to sampling-factor so the -sampling-factor option is properly recognized. 2005-03-10 Chris Madison hotma...> * Added the SepiaToneImage() method to simulate a sepia-toned photo. 2005-03-03 Chris Madison hotma...> * AppendImages() no longer returns an alpha channel if the image sequence does not have one. 2005-02-26 Taviso sdf.lo...> * A filename embedded with %n (e.g. logo%n.png) no longer causes a fault. 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