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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 17 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 19, 2023 — Apr 19, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
- Check for init/finalize - Use ompi_comm_invalid() to check for invalid communicator More... over 19 years ago
Remove annoying compiler warning :-) More... over 19 years ago
have people ignore elan for now More... over 19 years ago
Check in some early code. And will put back .ompi_ignore to avoid confusion More... over 19 years ago
- Minor fixes for topo - Make ompi_info show topo modules More... over 19 years ago
Fix compile error. Please test compile before committing... More... over 19 years ago
Modified some of lines to be 76 columns only to fit 80x24 screens. A minor point to folks who like long lines: Our coding style is shiftwidth=4 textwidth=76 More... over 19 years ago
a) Commit romio wrapper functions b) Temorarily created a set of Makefile.am files to compile the module, for UFS and NFS support. c) The final goal is to integrate romio configure scripts into Open MPI configuration system without repeating the configuration operations and compilation hooks already provided in romio. d) Added a dummy file src/romioconf.h for the time being. Eventually it is to be generated from the the template adio/include/romioconf.h.in e) To test this with nightly builds and mpi_io test suite. More... over 19 years ago
Oops -- macros not defined. More... over 19 years ago
Ensure to catch a corner case where a component is released that was only loaded by dependencies More... over 19 years ago
Ensure that we install the ompi_config.h file with 0644 perms, not influenced by the user's default umask More... over 19 years ago
Sorry, this is probably breaking the trunk More... over 19 years ago
Sorry, this is probably breaking the trunk More... over 19 years ago
Oops, this commit went to the wrong branch ... More... over 19 years ago
Oops, this commit went to the wrong branch ... More... over 19 years ago
Changing a lot of stuff in topo. This commit is just the intergration of what has been done in tmp/anju-topo-work branch. For more detailed information on the commits, please see those logs More... over 19 years ago
- Eliminate extra -I statements - Make the SOURCES list accurately reflect the list of source files More... almost 20 years ago
Initial Implementation module open close and init basic datastructures More... almost 20 years ago
Correct a small bug related to the last predefined datatype. More... almost 20 years ago
Use the new datatype checking macros. More... almost 20 years ago
Add 3 macros to check for the correctness of a datatype and for it's suitability for a specific operation. OMPI_CHECK_DATATYPE_FOR_SEND OMPI_CHECK_DATATYPE_FOR_RECV OMPI_CHECK_DATATYPE_FOR_ONE_SIDED BE AWARE ! these macros does not trigger the error handle, they just set a error code in the first argument. You have to check for the error code after the call. More... almost 20 years ago
Move the datatype flags from datatype_internal.h to datatype.h Add static inline functions to test if the datatype is committed, overlapped and proper for usage with a one sided operation. More... almost 20 years ago
tune up the output, and fix the message filenames More... almost 20 years ago
Ensure to include ompi_stdint.h More... almost 20 years ago
Also include the defines.h in the tarball More... almost 20 years ago
eliminate extraneous output from the nightly build, avoiding a second cron-generated e-mail More... almost 20 years ago
Fix fortran bindings on systems with weak symbols More... almost 20 years ago
Change the datatype MPI_DATATYPE_NULL from NULL to a real datatype delacred in src/datatype/dt_module.c. Now we can easily test for all the correct flags on send and receive (like datatype commit ...) More... almost 20 years ago
Remove the dependance to mpi.h More... almost 20 years ago
Remove a bunch of the old ROMIO io component stuff in preparation for Weikaun's new IO stuff. More... almost 20 years ago