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Analyzed about 5 hours ago. based on code collected about 7 hours ago.
Apr 25, 2023 — Apr 25, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Vocal sound for moth boss dying. More... 3 months ago
Merge pull request #720 from al0fdf/show-coins-in-shops More... 5 months ago
Added the 'set_perma_show' function to the coin display. Once set to true, the coin counter remains visible until the next level load. Additionally added level controllers to Chopple's shop, Prospera's shop and Tempo Village's shop to make the hud permanently visible upon level load. More... 5 months ago
Potfile update More... 6 months ago
Update version and bug report link in POT files More... 6 months ago
Tweaked the forest-clean palette (early alteborea) to have better cohesion between the different color ramps. More... 8 months ago
Fixed an assert on the little joke mortimer makes if you bring back a second ant. More... 8 months ago
Fixed a couple minor visual issues (bad tile arrangement on widescreen spillout, missing deadly-pit indicator) on the backroom of the crevice village basement level. More... 8 months ago
Fixed an issue where padlock keys weren't preventing their respawns if the player carried the key in question back onto the same level. This also would break the key-respawning mechanism, since something was physically obstructing the location to move the key to. More... 8 months ago
Added a line to the titlescreen describing how to enter the editor. More... 8 months ago
Merge pull request #705 from al0fdf/map_location_hax More... 8 months ago
Replaced the rest of the white forest plant shot particles with legacy attaches. More... 9 months ago
Fixed an incorrect level palette. More... 9 months ago
Added graphics for a new legacy particle system for the white forest flowers. Fixed a copy of the old one that existed in the hortlebort. More... 9 months ago
Updated one of the major traversals in Celadon Clearing which wasn't correctly possible to complete, and required you to basically cheese it by walljumping a spot that was intended to be your later shortcut through the level. Cleaned up a few layout issues with the upper-left part of the level. More... 9 months ago
Rebuilt the hortlebort particles using the sprite-based legacy particle system, both for speed and appearance's sake. More... 9 months ago
Updated the credits. More... 9 months ago
Adjusted the line of dialogue given if Imoti suggested something about a barrier in your way, since he's not always specific about it being a force field. More... 9 months ago
Added a light bloom to the regular gazer's attack. More... 9 months ago
Fixed a bug where the walk position for the player, after beating milgram, could in rare cases pick a position that's impossible to reach because it's buried in a wall, leading to the player permanently being stuck walking. More... 9 months ago
Some tuning for the jumping worm's vulnerability to impact damage, so the crates in their boss fight aren't useless. More... 9 months ago
Fixed a dumb, embarrassing typo on berd's neutral conversation after the moth boss. Adjusted the moth boss to have slightly less HP, gave it slightly more energy vulnerability, and eliminated the fire vulnerability entirely. Added another card draw for it dropping ammo so that the fight can progress more quickly. More... 9 months ago
Add a world map teleporter before the moth boss, to give the player a chance to buy a potion to help win the fight (or backtrack for more hearts). More... 9 months ago
The `hax_` cheat codes now mark the appropriate locations as visited so they appear on the world map. More... 9 months ago
Merge pull request #698 from al0fdf/glowing-gate-secret More... 10 months ago
Merge pull request #678 from al0fdf/secluded-hut-door-fix More... 10 months ago
Merge pull request #681 from al0fdf/conveyance-part2-skull-particles
as David Roberts
More... 10 months ago
Merge pull request #677 from al0fdf/cragland-catwalk-skull-particles
as David Roberts
More... 10 months ago
Merge pull request #680 from al0fdf/wandering-passage-skull-particles
as David Roberts
More... 10 months ago
Merge pull request #683 from al0fdf/choppa-disable-function
as David Roberts
More... 10 months ago