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Settings  :  Aliases

Analyzed 2 days ago. based on code collected 5 days ago.
  • Contributions by unknown will be attributed to Kirit Sælensminde Changes will take effect after the next Open Hub report update.
  • Contributions by odin will be attributed to Kirit Sælensminde Changes will take effect after the next Open Hub report update.
  • Contributions by Kirit S?\195?\166lensminde will be attributed to Kirit Sælensminde Changes will take effect after the next Open Hub report update.
  • Contributions by Kirit Saelensminde will be attributed to Kirit Sælensminde

About Aliases

  • If an individual has contributed code to a project under several different committer IDs, you can combine them using aliases.
  • An alias will replace one committer ID with another in reports. You specify the ID you wish to replace, and the replacement ID, on the Add Aliases form.
  • Aliases do not change your source code history, and Open Hub continues to gather and analyze this history as always. An alias is only an ID mapping for reports and charts.