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Posted almost 12 years ago by Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll
ECL has been upgraded to the newest version of Sourceforge. Unfortunately this has lead to the loss of the code repositories, which had to be recreated and now have different addresses: git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/ecls/ecl ecl # ECL source ... [More] code git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/ecls/ecl-doc ecl-doc # ECL documentation Go to http://www.sf.net/p/ecls to see the new project interface and the two GIT repositories, or simply check the new addresses in our downloads page http://ecls.sourceforge.net/download.html [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago by Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll
When the moment of producing a release approaches, there is always the inherent feeling that everything will go wrong. But sometimes it goes even worse. In this case I have been waiting several days to produce a stable release of ECL, watching at ... [More] our compiler farm and feeling very happy about the results (http://ecls.sf.net/logs.html). What I had not realized is that, first, our CVS repository had gotten out of sync with the GIT repository. That is bad by itself. But second, the testing farm had been running obsolete executables for several days. It was quite embarrasing to get several emails complaining that ECL did not build in Linux, OS X and other platforms. But I think I have managed to solve most problems (see below). The status remains as follows: - NetBSD, OpenBSD and Mingw/Windows do not support threads unless you use the unstable version of the Boehm-Weiser garbage collector. - To build _any_ Windows port (including Mingw), you need now a multithreaded environment. This means in practice that Mingw by default is broken, unless, as I said before, you use the alpha release of the garbage collector. - Support for building ECL with a C++ compiler is momentarily broken. Apart from these, all the improvements that I mention in the full CHANGELOG remain. ECL 9.10.2: =========== * Bugs fixed: - Fixed typo in src/c/unixint.d that affected single-threaded builds - The GMP library did not build in OS X Snow Leopard in 64-bits mode. - The package MP is needed also in single-threaded versions (for fake mp:with-lock, which is used in CLX). - In CLX, there were a couple of typos in the code related to locks and ECL. These typos only revealed in multithreaded builds of the CLX library. - In Linux there is a problem with handlers for SIGFPE being totally ignored by the system. The problem seems to be solved by avoiding the use of feenableexcept() and restricting to C99 exception tests. That is bad because we can not reliably and cheaply detect underflow exceptions. - Under OS X, --enable-rpath works again. It was broken for about a year due to my misunderstanding of how -install_name works and the differences between that and -rpath. [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago by Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll
Among other novelties, it includes support for OS X 10.6 or Snow Leopard, full support for the latest versions of Solaris, weak pointers, and a new model for handling signals. However, until we transition to the upcoming release of the ... [More] Boehm-Weiser library, the following problems persist: - NetBSD and Open only work in single-threaded mode because 1) the version of the garbage collector shipped with it does not support GC_register_my_thread and 2) the version of the garbage collector shipped with ECL fails to build (it gets locked when looking for a working fork()) - The mingw32 port only builds in multithreaded mode when using the unstable release of the garbage collector (v7.2) As usual, refer to http://ecls.sourceforge.net for downloading, reading the manual, or browsing unstable versions. [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago by Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll
This release has three important focuses: performance improvements in various fronts (garbage collection and hash tables), extending the run-process function and important fixes to let ECL work better with Slime. Note however that now at least ... [More] Slime from last week's CVS is needed and that future versions of Slime will require at least this version of ECL to work. See file src/CHANGELOG or browse it online http://ecls.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/ecls/ecl/src/CHANGELOG?view=markup Downloading ECL: http://ecls.sf.net/download.html [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago by Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll
This release is the first one with a new design of ECL, which includes changes in the way streams are implemented, support for full Unicode character set, safety against interrupts and serious performance improvements. Known issues: + Threads and ... [More] Unicode currently do not work in the Windows port. Please read the changelog http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/ecl/src/CHANGELOG?root=ecl&view=markup to get a feeling of the many fixes and improvements. In particular I want to remark the new module, BYTECMP, which implements bytecodes compilations. By configuring this module as a built-in part of ECL (--with-bytecmp=builtin) you will be able to ship ECL to places that lack a C compiler, while still being able to use COMPILE and COMPILE-FILE. Further information and links to the download mirrors, at http://ecls.sourceforge.net [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago by Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll
This release is the last one before a major redesign of ECL, which will affect issues like Unicode streams and handling of interrupts. This is also the first one to follow the new numbering scheme, inspired by that of Ubuntu. The release number ... [More] follows the scheme year.month.[0-9], where the last digit marks the patch release. The numbering is now incorporated in the library names, so that different versions of ECL may coexit on the same system. [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago by Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll
Important changes related to the usability of the debugger and inspector, debugging of compiled C code, handling of floating point exceptions and creation and manipulation of NaNs and infinities, among other things. Please reade the Changelog. ... [More] Support for Solaris/Intel has been added. The windows ports are right now broken. Please stay with 9.4.0 if support for those platforms is needed, until we fix the problems. Remaining ports, such as OSX, Linux, *BSD are working fine. [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago by Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll
Sourceforge.net now supports GIT repositories. This is great because now we do not need to keep our GIT mirrors together with the web pages, but rather host them where they should be. There is more information at webpage ... [More] http://ecls.sourceforge.net/download.html including the new addresses of the mirrors, how to browse source code, etc. Please update your copies or clone the repositories again. The old repos are being discontinued. Please note that due to a limitation in Sourceforge.net, a project can in principle have only one repository. We are currently violating this restriction, having three repos, ecl, ecl-doc and ecl-test, for the project, the documentation and the regression tests. The only problem with this is that the list of repos is empty in the "official" project page, and that in order to browse the repositories you have to use the addresses we provide at the downloads page. [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago by Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll
As usual, available at the project homepage http://ecls.sourceforge.net See http://ecls.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/ecls/ecl/src/CHANGELOG?view=markup for the list of changes.
Posted almost 12 years ago by Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll
ECL's foreign function interface now builds also with libffi, a library to dynamically build function calls and callbacks (http://sourceware.org/libffi/) This enlarge the list of platforms and processors for which ECL can potentially use a dynamic ... [More] foreign function interface even without the C compiler. The code is currently available in our git and CVS repositories. Help and feedback is welcome in debugging or improving this implementation. [Less]