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Analyzed 5 months ago. based on code collected about 3 years ago.
Posted almost 13 years ago
Drizzle source tarball, version 2011.08.25 has been released. In this release: NOTE: Drizzle behavior now allows 0 to mean NULL, but does not allow NULL to mean 0 Work on IPV6 data type - thanks to Muhammad Umair for hacking on this Continued code ... [More] refactoring - thanks to Olaf for his work as always Various bug fixes The Drizzle download file can be found here [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago
Just wanted to record for the history books that: drizzle> select js_eval('var d = new Date(); "Drizzle started running JavaScript at: " + d;')\g +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | js_eval('var ... [More] d = new Date(); "Drizzle started running JavaScript at: " + d;') | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Drizzle started running JavaScript at: Mon Aug 29 2011 00:23:31 GMT+0300 (EEST) | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.001792 sec) I will push this onto launchpad tomorrow, after a good nights sleep and final code cleanups. read more [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago
The Drizzle developers merged my query_log plugin into Drizzle 2011.08.24. This is great news not only because it addresses need #3 but because Drizzle query_log solves every problem that ever plagued the MySQL slow log. Since I had free reign to design whatever I wanted, I designed the log format to be consistent, logical, and [...]
Posted almost 13 years ago
Drizzle source tarball, version 2011.08.24 has been released. We getting closer to the Drizzle 7.1 / Fremont beta.  Please keep the feedback coming! In this release: New plugin to publish transactions to zeromq, courtesy of Marcus Eriksson, author ... [More] of the Drizzle jdbc driver! Continued code refactoring - many thanks to Olaf van der Spek for his efforts here Tweaks to the query log plugin from Daniel Nichter (gracias, sir!) Various bug fixes The Drizzle download file can be found here [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago
Drizzle source tarball, version 2011.08.23 has been released. We are working hard to get ready for Drizzle 7.1 beta.  Please feel free to help us out by giving things a spin : ) NOTE:  HailDB engine has been removed from the tree. In this release: ... [More] Cleanup of build and test system Removed haildb engine from tree Updated and improved replication documentation PBMS fixes to work with gcc 4.6 + code cleanup The Drizzle download file can be found here [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago
It’s August 1st, 2011, and five years ago on or about this date (who can remember clearly?) Peter Zaitsev and Vadim Tkachenko founded Percona. What’s happened in the last five years? We’re a privately held, privately funded company of over 50 ... [More] employees distributed globally, serving 1200 customers worldwide with support, consulting, training, and engineering services for MySQL. Our revenue isn’t public, but we’re proud that we’re able to keep all those people busy and help provide for their families. We’ve contributed significantly to improved performance and advanced functionality in the MySQL server and InnoDB storage engine, and created the first and only opensource hot-backup tool for InnoDB, as well as many other open-source software engineering projects. We’re happy that we’ve achieved this much, but our future plans are ambitious too. We’d rather first lay eggs and then cackle, than the other way around. So watch this blog for news about what’s next from Percona. A heartfelt thanks to all of Percona’s customers, without whom there’d be no company. And likewise, to our team members. To the MySQL community, including MariaDB and Drizzle; and the business ecosystem and third-party providers, both closed and open source. Finally, much gratitude is due to Oracle, and also to MySQL’s previous stewards: Sun Microsystems, MySQL AB, and of course Monty Widenius and David Axmark, and Heikki Tuuri, who started it all so many years ago. Here’s to the next five years. Sincerely, Peter Zaitsev, CEO Vadim Tkachenko, CTO Baron Schwartz, Chief Performance Architect Tom Basil, COO Bill Schuler, VP of Sales Espen Braekken, VP of Global Services [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago
Drizzle 7 2011.03.13 was a GA release but far from a production-ready database server, in my opinion. I really like Drizzle, and I believe in its future, so I’m going to criticize what I think are its weak points because as Charles Kettering said, “A problem well stated is a problem half solved.” 1. Authentication [...]
Posted almost 13 years ago
Codership team announced availability of MySQL/Galera 0.8.1, which is minor release, but actually it has bunch of improvements that makes Galera replication more user friendly (there are many bugs fixed, reported by me personally, what annoyed me a ... [More] lot). As part of my evaluation activity I ported MySQL/Galera 0.8.1 to Percona Server/Galera 0.8.1 and you can get source code on Launchpad. I appreciate the fact that not everybody has fun from compiling source code (hint, hint for Drizzle developers), that is why I also made binaries for RHEL 6.1 / Oracle Linux 6.1 http://www.percona.com/downloads/TESTING/Galera/percona-5.1.57-galera-0.8.1.tar.gz This is ABSOLUTELY NO production quality release, but you are welcome to play with it. [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago by Monty Taylor
It's my turn to apologize. Andrew and I apparently really angered people by being upset about something last week, and for that, as he already has, I apologize. I don't like making people angry or upset. I believe Henrik made an excellent point ... [More] , which is that for various different reasons, there are those of us who were upset when Oracle bought MySQL and yet felt complelled to not communicate this publically. To be honest, emotions related to a business transaction ARE a little weird, so I'm not sure it's completely odd that people don't know how to appropriate express them. But as Henrik rightly pointed out, the Oracle takeover has been the elephant in the room (sorry Postgres - it's not you) and we've all been spending a good amount of energy NOT talking about it, because talking about it only leads to people getting upset. As I said before, I don't like making people upset, so I'll try to keep my comments there to myself for the most part.I'd also like to apoligize for writing a blog post with too many thoughts. I only included the discussion of the naming as what I thought was a humorous take on the backstory of why I was writing in the first place, I see the folly of my ways there. In the future, if what I want to talk about is annoyance at people eye-rolling at my passion for Open Source, I will endeavor to only talk about that. That way, with a single topic post, when it's referenced other places, there will be no confusion.To sum up, I am sorry for causing any confusion or any anger or for making anyone upset. [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago by Mark Atwood
In the world of software development on Linux, especially in the open source world, there is a set of packages called "autotools", which abstracts and manages portability between compilers and other aspects of the software build environment. Nobody ... [More] likes it. In fact, most people who use it hate it. There are many attempts to replace it. And the problems with autotools are getting worse, because it itself was never designed to have cleanly portable control files between versions. Back when most everyone just FTPed down a tarball, and then ran the prebuilt ./configure, it worked pretty well. Now that people pull a projects raw repo over SVN, BZR, or GIT, and then have to run liptoolize, aclocal, automake, autoconf, etc themselves, and who knows what version of autotools is locally installed, all hell breaks loose. With respect to all the autotools replacements, such as cmake, Ant, etc, and all the other ones mentioned in Eric Raymond's recent blog post: they ALL are some multiple combination of horribly slow, enforce their own special "one true way" of laying out source trees, are specific to what languages they will deign to handle, have abysmally bad error messages when there is a problem (and being worse than autotools in this respect is an amazing achievement), require the installation of a JVM and a huge pile of buggy poorly documented class files, require the installation of a huge pile of buggy poorly documented Python modules, require the installation of a huge pile of buggy poorly documented Perl modules, cannot intelligently detect and handle optional build dependencies, cannot cross compile, cannot build out of a read-only source tree, cannot build out of tree, and/or cannot build shared object files. I wish to gods and monsters that this was not true, but it is. And until the writers of the competing build chain systems understand why all this stuff is important, and are willing to support it, autotools will stick around, and people will continue to use it. This is not to say that it cannot be used better. One of Monty Taylor's herculian tasks the Drizzle project has been pandora build, which is a refactoring and rewrite to the years of cargo-cult accumulated cruft that has infested most autotools based open source projects. [Less]