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Settings : Code Locations

Analyzed 4 months ago. based on code collected over 1 year ago.

If you are experiencing a problem with Code Locations in Open Hub

Please wait about 24 hours before reporting a problem. We continuously monitor the system, and many types of errors will be repaired automatically.

If the problem persists, please alert us for special handling in our help forum .

Please do not simply delete and re-add the enlistment. In most cases this does not have any effect (our system will recognize the URL and simply re-add the existing broken download), and it will complicate our debugging efforts.
Analysis is stalled for the following reasons:
  • Sources marked with a red exclamation are disabled for multiple failures. Please reach out to us for further assistance.
Repository URL SCM Type Update Status Ignored Files Allowed Files Actions


Git Open Hub update completed 1 day ago. All files included. All files included.

Error: This Code Location is flagged as Do Not Fetch. Please contact us for assistance


Subversion Step 1 of 3: Downloading source code history (Failed over 1 year ago.) All files included. All files included.
 New Code Location

About Code Locations

  • Open Hub's statistics are derived from analysis of the project's source code history as maintained by the project's repository. Accordingly, it is crucial that this information be maintained accurately.
  • Open Hub currently supports repositories maintained using Git, Mercurial, Bazaar, Subversion, and CVS.
  • For Subversion repositories, submit only the trunk subdirectory. Don't submit the tags or branches directories.
  • As soon as you add a new repository, Open Hub will immediately verify settings and successful connection to the source control server. The repository will then be added to a queue for later processing. Depending on the load on Open Hub's crawlers and the size of the repository, it may be several hours before the project's statistics have been updated to reflect the new repository.
  • If a repository requires login credentials, those credentials will become public information. Do not submit a username and password to Open Hub unless you are certain that it is safe for this information to become public.
  • Open Hub can combine data from multiple code locations to create a composite and complete set of statistics for a project. This means that a project:
    • can consist of multiple sub-projects, each with its own repositories
    • can include both a read-only historical repository and a newer, active repository that accurately reflect the entire history of a project even if its code has been moved or its SCM has been changed.
  • A code location (repository) can be part of multiple projects. The code in such a repository will be counted for each project, so please consider carefully how to organize Open Hub's view of a project and its sub-projects, to prevent double-counting while still reflecting the chosen organizational structure for the project.