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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 27, 2023 — Apr 27, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
* [Dashboards/Charts] On dashboards, charts now have configurable series (columnar) subtotals. The aggregation options are: sum, mean, min, and max. These automatically use the same format (e.g. secs elapsed, bytes) as the data. More... about 6 years ago
[Code Cleanup] On dashboard chart widgets, an empty series is no longer included in the widget data. Previously, these were only ignored by the templates. More... about 6 years ago
[Code Cleanup] Fixed invalid jQuery references in a few dashboard widgets. More... about 6 years ago
* [Responsibilities/Usability] When setting bucket responsibilities from worker or group profiles, the labels for worker, bucket, and group are now clickable and open cards. More... about 6 years ago
* [Profiles/Workers/Responsibilities] Worker bucket responsibilities can now be managed by administrators from worker profiles. This is much more efficient than having to visit edit responsibilities every group the worker is a member of. More... about 6 years ago
8.2.10-checkpoint More... about 6 years ago
* [Dashboards/Charts] Fixed an issue with dashboard chart widgets. In some cases, a metric like "avg by month" could calculate improperly. More... about 6 years ago
* [Cards/Groups/Links] On group cards, the 'Links' section is now available for viewing and managing record links. More... about 6 years ago
8.2.9-release More... about 6 years ago
* [Portals/Templates] In portals, fixed a PHP warning when exporting custom templates to an `.xml` file. More... about 6 years ago
* [Calendars/Worklists] Fixed an issue on calendars when using a worklist as an event datasource. In some situations, the worklist attempted to save with a `limit` of `-1` in an unsigned database field. These temporary worklists didn't need to persist at all. More... about 6 years ago
* [Knowledgebase/Support Center] Fixed an issue in the Support Center. When viewing knowledgebase articles and increasing the `Views` field counter, the `Updated` date was also being set to the current date. This made it look like articles had been recently updated with new information. The updated date no longer changes when the view counter does. More... about 6 years ago
* [Knowledgebase/Profiles/Usability] When viewing the profile of a knowledgebase article, the categories in the "Filed under" are now clickable and open cards. More... about 6 years ago
[Code Cleanup] More... about 6 years ago
* [Dashboards/Charts] Fixed an issue on dashboard chart widgets where the format options (e.g. seconds elapsed, bytes) were ignored if the x-axis was a date-based field (e.g. created, updated). More... about 6 years ago
[Opportunities] When creating a new opportunity, the default currency is now used. More... over 6 years ago
[Currencies] The 8.3 patch now creates 4 default currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, BTC). USD is the default. More... over 6 years ago
[Currencies] Added an `is_default` field to currency records. More... over 6 years ago
[Code Cleanup/Opps] Cleaned up opportunities code. Removed translations that are no longer used. Removed references to fields that no longer exist (e.g. assignee). More... over 6 years ago
* [Opportunities] On opportunity records, the `is_closed` and `is_won` fields have been consolidated into a single `status_id` field (`0`=open, `1`=won, `2`=lost). Existing records have been migrated to the new field. This schema is faster, smaller, and requires less code complexity. More... over 6 years ago
* [Opportunities] Opportunity records no longer require an email address, and the `Email:` field has been removed. Any email addresses associated with opportunities have been migrated to record links (email<->opp). Opportunities can still be filtered and subtotaled by email address by using record links. This also allows multiple email addresses and organizations to be associated with a single opportunity record. More... over 6 years ago
* [Opportunities/Currencies] Added currency support to opportunity records. Previously, the `amount` field on opportunities was just a nondescript number with two decimal places. Now, each opportunity can specify a currency for the deal amount (e.g. USD, GBP, EUR, BTC). Opportunity records can be filtered by currency type. This allows geographically distributed teams to use opportunity records. More... over 6 years ago
* [Custom Fields/Decimal] Added a new 'Decimal' custom field type. This stores a floating point number with an arbitrary precision (i.e. 2 decimal places, 8 decimal places). This allows decimal numbers to be used in custom fields and custom records. For instance, 2.75 bathrooms on a property listing, a discount rate of 0.20 on a reseller, a quantity of 1.5 items on an order, etc. More... over 6 years ago
* [Developers/Platform] Implemented `DevblocksPlatform::strParseDecimal()` and `DevblocksPlatform::strFormatDecimal()` methods for handling arbitrary precision decimal numbers as 64-bit integers. This is used by currencies and the new decimal custom field. The `::strParseDecimal()` method accepts user input and handles different thousands and decimal separators. It returns a 64-bit integer. The `::strFormatDecimal()` method takes a 64-bit integer and decimal precision and converts it into a human readable decimal number, with a configurable decimal and thousands separators for localization (e.g. comma vs dot). More... over 6 years ago
* [Records/Validation] In records, fixed a validation issue with 64-bit numbers. More... over 6 years ago
* [Developers/Dictionaries] When using dictionaries (`DevblocksDictionaryDelegate`), a `get()` method now allows a dynamic key to be retrieved. Previously keys could only be retrieved using the `__get()` magic method, with `$dict->$key` syntax, which required an extra variable to be constructed for `$key`. More... over 6 years ago
[Code Cleanup/Custom Fields] Replaced hardcoded custom field types (e.g. S, T, D) with the `Model_CustomField::TYPE_*` constants. This will make the eventual transition easier to custom field type extensions. More... over 6 years ago
* [Custom Fields/Currency] Added a new 'Currency' custom field type. This stores amounts of a given currency as a record field. This is particularly useful for product management (prices), order history (line items, invoice totals), property management (sale/listing prices), trade history (asset/cryptocurrency prices), etc. More... over 6 years ago
* [Currencies/Records] Added a new record type for currencies. Each currency has a name (US Dollars, Euros, Bitcoins), code (e.g. USD, EUR, BTC), symbol (e.g. $, £, €), and number of decimal places. Once defined, currencies can be used by other records to parse and format amounts of currency. More... over 6 years ago
* [Custom Fields] Increased the maximum value of number-based custom fields from UINT4 (2^32) to UINT8 (2^64). More... over 6 years ago