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Posted about 12 years ago by Bernd Rücker
It is the 1st of June 2012 and it is done: We released version 6.0 of the camunda fox BPM platform. camunda fox contains the Open Source Process Engine Activiti, expands it with important components and enables it for the Enterprise use by additional stabilization, quality assurance and a SLA based support. camunda fox 6.0 [...]
Posted about 12 years ago by Bernd Rücker
Imagine you have a customer registration process. For the user it feels like having 5 forms in a row to enter some data (we call that page-flow). In the background you want to query some scoring-service. Hmm, this should not be done in the UI layer, right? Isn’t that business logic? And what if the [...]
Posted over 12 years ago by Bernd Rücker
In my last post I wrote about the activity in the open source project Activiti, and the influence of productization as well as the impact on the health of an open source project in the long run. Now I want to shed some light on the open source strategy we do within camunda fox, since [...]
Posted over 12 years ago by Bernd Rücker
Lately we heard critics like these a couple of times: Is the Activiti project dead? There is so less activity in Activiti (nice worldplay), what happened to you guys? Did you turn your backs on Activiti and do something else? You haven’t solved the JIRA issues we filed for weeks, when do you plan to [...]
Posted over 12 years ago by Jakob Freund
If you are visiting CeBIT 2012 and you are interested in the topics above, you shoud also pay a visit to camunda’s booth in Hall 2, Booth B68. We will share our extensive project experiences in BPMN 2.0 and Activiti with you, and will explain and demonstrate, why camunda fox is the best Enterprise Solution, [...]
Posted over 12 years ago by Daniel Meyer
Both the Activiti community and our consulting customers are repeatedly asking me about how to run Activiti on IBM WebSphere Application Server. In this blogpost I want to summarize the problems and challenges you face when you want to do that and along the lines give a sneak preview of the upcoming WebSphere support in [...]
Posted over 12 years ago by Bernd Rücker
Recently my colleague Daniel pointed me to JBoss Openshift, an initiative from JBoss to jump on the cloud train, nobody can avoid these days. But actually there is something really cool in it: You can create and run a JBoss AS 7 in the cloud easily, having either H2 or even MySQL available as a [...]
Posted over 12 years ago by Bernd Rücker
Last week I gave a talk about Activiti and Drools in Action at the WJAX in Munic, Germany, which is one of the largest and most important Java conferences in Germany. I gave a demo using the latest camunda fox server, basically a JBoss AS 7 with Activiti integrated. More than 80 people in a [...]
Posted over 12 years ago by Jakob Freund
Woken up at 4.30am, I am now sitting in the train, crossing Germany from Berlin to Frankfurt for a client’s workshop on BPM, BPMN and all the rest. Rather foggy outside, this seems to be the perfect scenery for finally joining the whole BPM vs. Case Management debate (maybe because I am in the mood [...]
Posted over 12 years ago by Bernd Rücker
We really looked forward to the release of JBoss 7 and in July the waiting finally has come to an end. JBoss 7 is now the basis for our camunda fox server, which we use to build “process applications” for our customers, which now are not only BPMN 2.0 standard compliant but as well Java [...]