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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 7 hours ago. based on code collected about 7 hours ago.
Apr 19, 2023 — Apr 19, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
reworking classloading for cli (moving cdi stuff in child loader) + reworking 'ejb' lifecycle since we can't really rely on EJBContainer + linking a ServicesManager to a classloader otherwise no way to know which one to use to load services lazily More... about 10 years ago
creating a zip of batchee cli More... over 10 years ago
BATCHEE-3 JobContext/StepContext id info are internals More... over 10 years ago
using a classifier for cli shade to be able to change few things in the container once we'll do a zip to distribute it More... over 10 years ago
refactoring bar structure to be closer to wars but keeping batch descriptors outside of classes to keep it clear, note: wonder if we should extract config files (not file and not jbatch descriptor) from it too (configuration folder?) More... over 10 years ago
fixing diagram generation (root/sink colors...) + few pom reformatting + BATCHEE-5 metrics for partitionned steps More... over 10 years ago
BATCHEE-5 metrics for partitionned steps + few cleanup in diagram task More... over 10 years ago
using system.out in cli More... over 10 years ago
making diagram mojo working headless More... over 10 years ago
this test was useless More... over 10 years ago
forcing container to be running in test needing it More... over 10 years ago
BATCHEE-15 mvn goal to get a diagram from a batch xml More... over 10 years ago
BATCHEE-14 adding JobExecutionCallbackService More... over 10 years ago
BATCHEE-13 supporting more injection type in jbatch components More... over 10 years ago
BATCHEE-11 supporting stop command locally (no issue using jaxrs) using a socket (deactivated by default) More... over 10 years ago
BATCHEE-12 adding bar mvn goal and support in cli More... over 10 years ago
BATCHEE-11 adding lifecycle handling + classloader building in cli More... over 10 years ago
BATCHEE-11 supporting rest joboperator + adding few commands More... over 10 years ago
BATCHEE-11 supporting rest joboperator + adding few commands More... over 10 years ago
BATCHEE-11 basic cli - start and restart command More... over 10 years ago
BATCHEE-10 StepLauncher and StepBuilder More... over 10 years ago
using released api More... over 10 years ago
BATCHEE-9 ServicesManager shouldn't be contextual once an action started More... over 10 years ago
BATCHEE-8 shortcut to retrieve last step executions from JobLauncher instance, note: i removed reverse from in memory persistence service since it was not logical and leading to a weird usage More... over 10 years ago
BATCHEE-8 allowing joblauncher to get a job name as shortcut to test multiple executions quickly More... over 10 years ago
BATCHEE-8 basic test module to get a synchronous job operator, would be great to be able to run a single step but ATM it is quite complicated More... over 10 years ago
BATCHEE-7 adding modelmapper module More... over 10 years ago
0.1-incubating-SNAPSHOT More... over 10 years ago
allowing to build in java 6 + BATCHEE-6 creating a war with jaxrs-server module More... over 10 years ago
fixing exclude in tck.xml More... over 10 years ago