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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 2 days ago.
Jun 24, 2023 — Jun 24, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Fixed a couple more spacing issues I missed. More... about 8 years ago
Fixed potential typo in BioXASSSRLMonochromatorRegionControl. More... about 8 years ago
Fixed spacing issues with tab size for previous changes in all files. More... about 8 years ago
Attempted to fix an issue where selecting no file and specifying no file name would result in export saving a file with the name of the parent directory in the parent directories folder. Added in a fix to prevent this behavior. More... about 8 years ago
Created class for basic outline of what the generic step scan configuration view could look like for BioXAS, with the absolute vs relative view options. #2393 More... about 8 years ago
First pass at creating a step scan axis absolute view, borrowing pretty much all of its functionality from the relevant lines in AMGenericStepScanConfigurationView. Not instantiated anywhere yet. Modified AMControlInfo to include an isValid() method, that checks its name against 'Invalid Control'. #2393 More... about 8 years ago
Modified: More... about 8 years ago
Fixed spacing. More... about 8 years ago
Added a check to passed file names to insure they end with a "/" where appropriate. This fixes an issue where QPrinter would take the last folder as a filename and save a file of that name even if cancel is selected on the print/export prompt. More... about 8 years ago
Modfied: More... about 8 years ago
Modified: More... about 8 years ago
Merge branch 'Issue2271' of github.com:acquaman/acquaman into Issue2271 More... about 8 years ago
Modified: More... about 8 years ago
Added: More... about 8 years ago
Removed the selection mode from the CLSButtonBar--not needed. #2400 More... about 8 years ago
Modified the BioXAS app controllers to properly add entries to the component-view mapping. Modified the CLS app controller to properly add entries to the view-pane mapping. #2402 More... about 8 years ago
Made some minor modifications to the beamline status view and interactions with the main window for BioXAS. Added new signal to the CLSButtonBar that will notify listeners when a button has been clicked. Reimplemented the 'onButtonClicked' slot in CLSControlButtonBar to emit a new controlClicked signal when a control's button is clicked. Modified the CLSBeamlineStatusView to emit a signal when it detects its button bar has emitted the controlClicked signal. Modified the BioXAS peristentview to also emit a signal when this happens. Modified the BioXASAppController to switch views in response to this new signal, instead of when the selected control changes. Modified the CLSAppController to properly map views to panes--previously it was mapping views to itself, which wouldn't allow the current pane to change. Added a selection mode property to the CLSButtonBar as a way to manage what you'd like to happen in the event of a selection change, but not sure this will stay. BioXASSide builds and runs, and the view interacts now as expected. #2400 More... about 8 years ago
Fix a pri inclusion issue so that the laptops can find the proper pri files More... about 8 years ago
Added some comments to the XAS scan and the generic scan controllers for BioXAS. Noticed that the generic scan controller doesn't set up an exporter option in the constructor, like other controllers seem to. Added this code. #2387 More... about 8 years ago
Merge pull request #2395 from acquaman/Issue2351 More... about 8 years ago
Added entries to update the regions of interest for the generic step scan configuration in BioXASAppController. The ROIs and normalized ROIs appear as expected when running a generic scan. #2387 More... about 8 years ago
Refactor: More... about 8 years ago
Undoing changes that should be other branch. More... about 8 years ago
Adjusted: More... about 8 years ago
Removed QDebugs and commented out code. Modified AMDatamanAppController::onNewExperimentAdded() to use the AMMainWindow::expandHeadingIndex() method to expand the 'Experiments' tab. #2389 More... about 8 years ago
Added method to AMWindowPaneModel that will return the heading items--children of the invisible root item. Modified the implementation of AMMainWindow::expandAllHeadings() to get the heading items and their indices, and expand them manually. This appears to cause the appropriate headings to be expanded, the crashes to stop, and all debug warnings related to using indices from the wrong model to disappear. A solution? Maybe? #2389 More... about 8 years ago
Added some more QDebugs, again not super helpful at this point. Started commenting out function calls that seem related to the proxyModel_ and mapFromSource() and stumbled on something a little random--the crashes don't appear to happen (as frequently?) when the sidebar_->expandAll() line is commented out. Interesting. It's also worth noting that the crashes don't seem to appear at all on my Mac, only on Side OPI. #2389 More... about 8 years ago
#2394 remove the beamline status pv for SXRMBBeamline; add a flag to display the beamline status in the compact view More... about 8 years ago
One small pattern refactor required after merge. More... about 8 years ago
Added QDebugs. So far, not incredibly helpful. #2389 More... about 8 years ago