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Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 23, 2023 — Apr 23, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
-Fix error message for missing member -Fix exception not throwing for bad char after semi-colon More... over 15 years ago
-Tests More... over 15 years ago
-Added IJsonLineInfo. Implemented by JsonTextReader, JsonTokenReader, JsonValidatingReader, JToken -Added line details to JsonTextReader exception messages and JsonValidatingReader errors -Change JsonSchemaGenerator to disable additional properties on sealed classes -Fixed JsonSchemaGenerator to not output enum values and options for flag enums More... over 15 years ago
-Added JSON Schema implementation -Move test serialization objects to TestObjects namespace -Fixed JsonConvert to always write a floating point number with a decimal place -Changed Type values to serialize and deserialize to type name string -Fixed JsonWriter to allow objects and arrays to be written in a constructor -Added JsonContainerAttribute with Id, Title and Description members. JsonObject and JsonArray inherit from this attribute -Added JsonArrayAttribute. Has flag to control whether array can contain null items. -Added IsRequired to JsonProperty -Replaced protected method GetSerializableMembers with GetMemberMappings on JsonSerializer -Fixed QuoteChar not getting set when parsing property name -Added Load(JsonReader) to JProperty, JConstructor -Fixed error when populating JProperty with content from collection -Added the ability for JsonTokenWriter to write individual values as well as arrays and objects -Added CreateReader to JToken -Added FromObject to JToken -Added ReadFrom to JToken More... over 15 years ago
-Rename JavaScriptConvert to JsonConvert More... over 15 years ago
-Added additional unicode encoding test More... over 15 years ago
-Changed Value<T> on JObject to support getting nullable values -Fixed JsonSerializer to correctly skip missing members More... over 15 years ago
-Fix bug when deserializing to a nullable number More... over 15 years ago
-Bump assembly version to 3.5 More... over 15 years ago
-Changed JSON Date constructors to automatically deserialize to a date More... over 15 years ago
-Change JsonSerializerSettings.Converters initial value to an empty collection More... over 15 years ago
-Misc refactoring More... over 15 years ago
-Fix JContainer child ordering when adding multi values More... over 15 years ago
-Modified project to support signed flag. Does not output InternalsVisibleTo attributes when present -Improved error message on JObject and JArray Load method -Added WriteRawValue -Added missing XML documentation -Added SerializeObject overload that takes a formatting flag More... over 15 years ago
-Renamed Identifier to JsonRaw -Added support for reading, writing and serializing raw JSON More... over 15 years ago
-Added nullable DateTime support to IsoDateTimeConverter and JavaScriptDateTimeConverter -Added WriteValue overloads to JsonWriter for nullable types -Fixed JsonTextWriter.WriteValue(string) to write null instead of an empty string for a null value -Fixed JsonWriter.WriteValue(object) to no longer error on null values More... over 15 years ago
-Added compact framework support -Refactored JavaScriptConvert to not rely on DateTimeOffset when converting dates -Refactored JsonSerializer to use new CreateInstance on ReflectionUtils -Deleted JsonHandler More... over 15 years ago
-Added DefaultValueHandling to JsonSerializer. Option to not write default values when serializing object -Added JsonSerializerSettings and overloads to JavaScriptConvert.SerializeObject and JavaScriptConvert.DeserializeObject -Performance improvements More... over 15 years ago
-Refactor JsonSerializer.GetConverter More... over 15 years ago
-Fix JsonSerializer.Deserialize to take a TextReader instead of a StringReader More... over 15 years ago
-Changed serializer to better work with ICollection<T> when deserializing -Improved serializer caching of static type data More... over 15 years ago
-Changed JavaScriptConvert.DeserializeObject to check for addition content after deserializing object More... over 15 years ago
-Fix test -Enable XML documentation for Silverlight project More... over 15 years ago
-Minor text changes -Include new documentation resources in solution More... over 15 years ago
-Add introduction to help More... over 15 years ago
-Updated serializing help page -Fixed help generation warnings -Added AsJEnumerable -Changed extension methods to return IJEnumerable where appropriate -Extension methods better handle converting JValues More... over 15 years ago
-Added IJEnumerable. Changed JEnumerable and JToken to both implement IJEnumerable. -Included missing JsonConverters from Newtonsoft.Json.Silverlight project. More... over 15 years ago
-Include SilverlightTests.cs More... over 15 years ago
-Include SilverlightTests.cs in Newtonsoft.Json.Tests.csproj More... over 15 years ago
-Fixed solution/project issues -Bumped assembly version to 3.0 More... over 15 years ago