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Analyzed about 19 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 24, 2023 — Apr 24, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Updated example documentation More... almost 8 years ago
Updated ignores More... almost 8 years ago
Improve example documentation More... almost 8 years ago
Improve Doxygen documentation More... almost 8 years ago
Renamed idf.mk to core.mk and adjusted S_overrides.mks accordingly. More... almost 8 years ago
Only ignore trick in SIM_* directories. More... almost 8 years ago
Corrected typo More... almost 8 years ago
Created a Trick makefile. Updated example sims to use it. More... almost 8 years ago
Added license file More... almost 8 years ago
Added .gitignore files More... almost 8 years ago
Updated README to require Java SE8 and Trick 16. More... almost 8 years ago
Require Java SE8 again More... almost 8 years ago
Use "$@" intead of $@ to preserve argument whitespace. Cleaned out dead code. More... almost 8 years ago
Forgot to build before the last commit. More... almost 8 years ago
Corrected splash file name typo. More... almost 8 years ago
Finally fixed on Mac? More... almost 8 years ago
First try with the latest JarBundler. More... almost 8 years ago
Oracle's appbuilder doesn't pass arguments through to the application when launched via open on Mac. I'm going to try the latest JarBundler now. More... almost 8 years ago
Mac app bundle changed names from Virtual Hand Controller to VHC. Updated the Python launchVirtualController function. More... almost 8 years ago
Still trying to get this Mac app bundle stuff right. More... almost 8 years ago
In SerialThrustMasterBase, in addition to discarding data after the timeout, also discard data if more than a full packet arrived. This appears to solve the issue of spurious input following a timeout at the Video Wall. It turns out the missing bytes were being received in addition to (and in front of) the full nine bytes of response to the next request. Thus, the first nine bytes were a combination of two reponses, leading to incorrect parsing. More... almost 8 years ago
Forgot to commit the actual app bundle with the last commit. More... almost 8 years ago
Switched the Mac app bundler from jarbundler to appbundler. See http://stackoverflow.com/a/15271448 More... almost 8 years ago
The Video Wall was experiencing dropouts in which a hand controller would stop responding. Investigation lead to the discovery that when the dropout occurred, the number of bytes available on the serial port never reached the expected full value. Thus, SerialThrustMasterBase::read() always returned no new data, and the ThrustMaster never updated, retaining its last received values. Strangely, the nonresponsive hand controller would sometimes return to life. I was able to reproduce this behavior after a dropout by power cycling the device several times, which resulted in spurious bytes being received at the serial port, eventually causing the available byte count to reach the expected value. Perhaps noise on the line was causing this randomly? I'm not convinced that was it, as we previously used blocking reads, which should have been subject to the same issue, but we never saw this behavior. I recently discovered that sending requests to the device too quickly causes its output to become corrupt, but I thought I had taken steps to prevent that by allowing only a single outstanding request, which ought to produce the same request frequency as blocking reads. In any case, I've added a 100 ms timeout, after which any received data is discarded and a new request is sent. More... almost 8 years ago
Pass -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true to the JVM when launching the Mac application bundle to prevent socket errors. More... almost 8 years ago
Reduced Virtual Hand Controller Java requirement from 1.8 to 1.7 More... almost 8 years ago
Resolved some unused variable warnings in HIDAPI on Mac. More... almost 8 years ago
Removed the sims directory and split its content into two new directories: examples and trick. More... almost 8 years ago
Resolved shadowing warning. More... almost 8 years ago
Resolved more -Woverloaded-virtual warnings by unhiding the hidden functions. Added more compiler warning flags. More... almost 8 years ago