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Ratings and Reviews : Listing

Wells says:
Excellent highlighter, performance ...  
written about 17 years ago

GeSHi is an excellent syntax highlighter, both in terms of the number of languages it supports, as well as the various different output formats.

I was happy that GeSHi could output valid XHTML using divs and spans, so I could write my own CSS stylesheet to style the code.

The only small problem is that large code blocks can take up significant server CPU. Apparently a future version (1.2) will have some performance and caching features. Until then you can easily implement your own caching mechanism - I'm using memcache for example.

Overall, an excellent project.

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...an Wolff says:
Be sure to check out the upcoming 1...  
written almost 16 years ago

I've recently started to help out with GeSHi and concentrated on pushing the performance higher and higher. What does that mean?

version | average speed (5 runs)
------------------------------------------ | 5.72 kB/s
r1400 soon 1.0.8 | 49.27 kB/s

So the new GeSHi is nearly ten times as fast! And don't forget 1.0.8 also has bugfixes, more features etc. etc.

Oh and btw.: Peak memory consumption is down one megabyte as well!

I can only say: GeSHi is _the_ highlighter for the web. Even more so with support for more than 100 languages and decent performance.

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