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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
May 31, 2023 — May 31, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Added a wrapper class to call the Web Storage functions from the haXe code. Rearranged the initialisation system for containers passed from the php backend to the js front end. Tested the storage and recovery of the sessionid, use of the session id when communicating with the backend has still not been tested.
as Adrian Cowan (othrayte)
More... over 13 years ago
Files that were left out of the last commit by accident, last message applies
as Adrian Cowan (othrayte)
More... over 13 years ago
Added login sessions, one per user, added feilds to user class to record session details. Updated db acordingly using first ever dbupdate file. Update worked successfully. Changed login ui to recieve the session id and us it to make requests, login using sessionids is untested. Changed check login details action to initsession action, this way individual actions can login independent of the session and new session ids are only created when neccasary
as Adrian Cowan (othrayte)
More... over 13 years ago
Moved gui code into its own package. Refactored the exeption system to use enumarated errors that should be easier to use on the gui end. Wrote the gui skelatin and implemented the login page. Many other small changes
as Adrian Cowan (othrayte)
More... over 13 years ago
Finally added the relevant licenses on the top of the source files. Note this program has always been licensed under the GPLv3 even when this was not explicitly listed on in each file.
as Adrian Cowan (othrayte)
More... over 13 years ago
Moved the datarecord refactoring to its own function. Modified it so that the refactored samples are aligned with the start time requested
as Adrian Cowan (othrayte)
More... over 13 years ago
Implimented data retreival, datasample resampling. Fixed the bug where data records didn't record which user they were assigned to. Moved util class to its own file and changed the prefered syntax from 'debug' to 'log' and used 'using' to write "My message".log()
as Adrian Cowan (othrayte)
More... over 13 years ago
Encryption implemented and working. users able to login. default user automatically created. no users have any rights yet so no-one can actually do anything. Removed the other encryption library due to it being bloated for these needs, and I also had copyright concerns. Added variable to the 'priveledge' class to record the user it belongs to.
as Adrian Cowan (othrayte)
More... over 13 years ago
Added first db update, main now autoupdates to the required version if possible
as Adrian Cowan (othrayte)
More... over 13 years ago
Added the /bin/updates folder to .gitignore to ensure it gets committed
as Adrian Cowan (othrayte)
More... over 13 years ago
Added database connection details to main.hx, added database version awarness and table existance checks. Reworked main and added the Util class to handle debug messages
as Adrian Cowan (othrayte)
More... over 13 years ago
Some more stuff added, first version to compile without errors, not runtime checked
as Adrian Cowan (othrayte)
More... over 13 years ago
Adding the classes that were missed in the last commit
as Adrian Cowan (othrayte)
More... over 13 years ago
More classes fleshed out, many holes left, still deciding on the method to use surrounding SPOD
as Adrian Cowan (othrayte)
More... over 13 years ago
Initial work
as Adrian Cowan (othrayte)
More... over 13 years ago
Initial Commit, Blank Project
as Adrian Cowan (othrayte)
More... over 13 years ago