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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 17 hours ago. based on code collected about 21 hours ago.
Apr 19, 2023 — Apr 19, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Made AddrMessage less verbose, avoid spamming all addresses to log.
as Christian Decker
More... over 12 years ago
Merge branch 'peerinfo'
as Christian Decker
More... over 12 years ago
Made PeerInfo information read only. Cleaned up imports.
as Christian Decker
More... over 12 years ago
Displaying hash of InventoryItem.
as Christian Decker
More... over 12 years ago
Added indirection level to identify the peers better, this reduces the amount of hashmap lookups by almost 2/3.
as Christian Decker
More... over 12 years ago
Small merge correction (Inventory items sent twice...)
as Christian Decker
More... over 12 years ago
Small bugfix for the sending of broadcasts. The last socketChannel was being used as origin by all messages in a broadcast.
as Christian Decker
More... over 12 years ago
Fixed merge problems
as Christian Decker
More... over 12 years ago
Small fix with the block hashes being reversed when calculated ourself. Added transaction hashes.
as Christian Decker
More... over 12 years ago
Minor bug fix and made PING messages rarer.
as Christian Decker
More... over 12 years ago
Fixed a small error where a selection key was triggered on a closed channel. Transaction.getHash implemented. GetAddMessage.toString corrected.
as Christian Decker
More... over 12 years ago
Fixed a small error where a selection key was triggered on a closed channel. Transaction.getHash implemented. GetAddMessage.toString corrected.
as Christian Decker
More... over 12 years ago
Before merging with event_reorg
as Christian Decker
More... over 12 years ago
Before merging with event_reorg
as Christian Decker
More... over 12 years ago
Removed redundant level of indirection: Messages are now Events, not the subject of events.
as Christian Decker
More... over 12 years ago
Started implementing the broadcast for the network.
as Christian Decker
More... over 12 years ago
Started implementing the broadcast for the network.
as Christian Decker
More... over 12 years ago
Major cleanup. Made IPv6 compatible. Fixed minor bug looping on CancelledKeyException.
as Christian Decker
More... almost 13 years ago
Fixed nullpointer if task queue is empty.
as Christian Decker
More... almost 13 years ago
Cleaned up a lot of lines with trailing slashes. Sorry for the noise.
as Christian Decker
More... almost 13 years ago
Small renaming and added JavaDoc to the mvn reporting.
as Christian Decker
More... almost 13 years ago
Added DeferredTask to allow the reactor to execute arbitrary tasks. Started cleaning up and documenting the reactor.
as Christian Decker
More... almost 13 years ago
Stabilized the message reading. Seems a lot more complicated than it is right now. We read the message content and if we didn't make it through all the way we just queue it for later and resume once the read buffer on the OS has filled up again. Seems to work nicely for now, but no guarantee.
as Christian Decker
More... almost 13 years ago
Avoiding MessageDigest to be created for each message. Added loop when reading message to avoid short buffer problems.
as Christian Decker
More... almost 13 years ago
Fixed double version sending on outgoing connections.
as Christian Decker
More... almost 13 years ago
Finally fixed an ugly bug that prevented us from establishing connections to the outside. This did not affect the incoming connections. Next up: - Consolidate protocol version handling - Code cleanup - An improved connection pool maintainer
as Christian Decker
More... about 13 years ago
Implemented the non-blocking IO reactor. Still not perfect but working on it.
as Christian Decker
More... about 13 years ago
Major refactoring. Added an additional level of indirection through Events. Events are not always bound to a message, but they are the glue tying messages to their origins. This should be the last major change before getting the non-blocking IO version of the reactor to work.
as Christian Decker
More... about 13 years ago
Attempted merge with origin.
as Christian Decker
More... about 13 years ago
Initial commit
as Christian Decker
More... about 13 years ago