Contributes to XWiki as tmortagne
Contributes to Pygments as tmortagne
Contributes to JDeb as tmortagne
and 3 other projectsContributes to Hudson
Contributes to MojoHaus
Contributes to SonarQube as simon.brandhof
and 2 other projectsContributes to LiquiBase
Contributes to commonclipse
Contributes to Ruby Jekyll as Matthias Nuessler
and 22 other projectsContributes to grailsAvatarPlugin
Contributes to grails-activemq
Contributes to Homebrew as Domingo Suarez Torres
and 12 other projectsContributes to AndroMDA as freter
Contributes to FindBugs
Contributes to openArchitectureWare
and 4 other projectsContributes to Apache Commons FileUpload
Contributes to Apache Commons BeanUtils
Contributes to Commons IO
and 2 other projectsContributes to Java deployment tools
Contributes to Apache Commons Collections
Contributes to Apache Commons Lang
and 6 other projectsContributes to Tapestry
Contributes to Apache Shiro as kaosko
Contributes to Tynamo as kaosko
and 3 other projects